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"Transforming Lives for Happiness and Fulfillment"
"Authentic Leadership: Your Path to Success"
"Discovering Purpose and Fulfillment"
"The Secrets to Happiness and Success"
"The Art of Memorable Communication"
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Steve Fredlund is a multi-passionate visionary who has had profound impact as an award-winning actuary, humanitarian, coach, consultant, author, speaker, podcaster, entrepreneur and leader of African safaris.

For ten years, Steve’s journey included two parallel paths: a good life that was becoming increasingly unfulfilling and humanitarian trips to east Africa that ended on safari. Like chocolate and peanut butter, Steve’s research into happiness and his experiences leading African adventures blended into something remarkable. He discovered the “Big 5” factors that impact both, becoming the foundation of his approach to life, work and leadership. “The Safari Way” has become a movement increasing the happiness and success of people around the world. 

Steve’s upcoming book, “Do the Unright Thing: How to Recognize and Escape the Good Life Trap” helps those who are feeling unfulfilled in the midst of their good life. The book is expected to be available this January

As a two-time TEDx speaker, Steve communicates in a compelling way, using remarkable stories and memorable phrases that keep his ideas front-of-mind years into the future. His captivating, authentic and humorous approach keeps audiences engaged and longing for more. Steve has been called “genuine”, “hilarious” and “the only actuary, in the history of actuaries, you actually WANT to sit next to during dinner.”

Steve earned fellowship in the Society of Actuaries and holds a Masters in Business Administration. When not working, he can be found on the disc golf course, playing a poker tournament or suffering through another season as a Minnesota sports fan.


My mission is to ignite a spark within educators, lighting the path to resilience and fanning the flames of hope. I'm here to empower you with the tools and strategies needed to not only survive but thrive in our noble profession. Together, we'll radiate joy in education, making each day a celebration of learning."



"I want students, faculty, and all those associated with education to realize they have greater agency than they realize to make decisions in their life that authentically align with who they are and what they truly want." - Steve Fredlund